Supported by health and social care workers other things must be done to replace drug use. We need to stay away from familiar drug users and avoid places that are used to getting drugs.
Restarting is a constant threat
Treatment and rehabilitation can take a long time. Building a new life is slow but rewarding. No drug user has regretted stopping use.
Does your friend use drugs?
What should I do if my girlfriend, boyfriend, or good friend is using drugs? How do you know it?
At first, drug use is difficult to detect. If your friend looks drunk but doesn’t smell of alcohol, then you have to suspect drugs. He or she may also have syringes or other equipment. With the Thailand detox treatment you can have the best options.
Ask directly
If you think your friend is using drugs, ask them directly. The situation may seem scary or you may be angry with the situation. However, one’s drug use should not be tolerated. We must try to remedy the situation.
However, anger and intimidation are bad ways. Most importantly, you or your loved ones are missing out on your friend’s drug use. Support from people close to you is needed to stop using it. Never is the situation hopeless.
Discontinuation is always possible. Advice can be sought from a health center, an A-clinic or a welfare office, for example. Remember, you can always refuse drugs, even if your girlfriend or boyfriend offers them.
Where can I get help?
Drug users can seek help in many places. First you should go to your local health center, welfare office, A-clinic or youth center.
School student support helps
In schools, you can seek help from a nurse, school curator or school psychologist.
Support from the facility
For drug users, there are detention centers, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, shelters, day care centers and youth centers.
Drug organizations and parishes
Parishes, the Red Cross of Finland, the Crisis Service, the Drug Abuse Association, Youth Against Drugs (YAD) and many other associations also help drug users.
Peer support
You can apply for help from NA groups. The abbreviation means “anonymous drug addicts” in Finnish. NA groups are discussion groups set up by drug users themselves. Their meetings discuss their own problems and give advice to others who have similar problems.
There are two types of drugs: stimulants and depressants. Addictive drugs such as amphetamine and its derivatives (e.g. methamphetamine), ecstasy and cocaine, and its derivative crack, increase mood and increase alertness. Depressant drugs, such as heroin and morphine, relax and soothe. The effects of some drugs (such as ecstasy) also include hallucinations; the user hears and sees things that do not exist.