In the USA today, the increasing prevalence of High Blood Pressure amongst the adult population is highly alarming. It is projected that over 75 million citizens amounting to about 30% of the entire adult population has high blood pressure. This alarming figure also includes pregnant women and nursing mothers.
The worst feature about this disease is that it is asymptomatic at the early stages and can remain that way until it gets to a high level where it becomes life-threatening. Higher stages lead to cases of stroke, heart attack and even death. It is commonly called the “silent killer”.
The normal heart rate is 115/70 mmHg to 120/80 mmHg and anything that goes above this level is an indicator of High Blood pressure, because the heart’s pumping power is not enough to power the movement of blood round the body. In response, the blood chambers will stretch itself to hold more blood, but these will soon become weak.
In recent times, some strains of Cannabis have proven to be a potent therapeutic solution for High Blood Pressure.
These beneficial strains include…
Sour Diesel
This strain contains high amounts of THC (up to 22%) and is known to be a strong stress reliever, which in turn helps to reduce high blood pressure. It is a combination of Chemdawg, Skunk No. 1 and Lights. Because of its high THC content and low CBD concentration (about 0.2%), some people claim that this strain is one of the best strains of Cannabis for lowering blood pressure.
Blue Dream
This strain can reduce the stress of a patient in no time. Asides relieving stress, it also helps to control fatigue and other deficient illnesses. Many people say a lot of good things about Blue Dream and personally, it is my favorite. From my personal experience, this strain takes less than 5 minutes to start making its presence known.
Green Crack
Green Crack is another strain I can recommend. It is just as good as other strains in reducing blood pressure and in addition, it also reduces pain. This makes it a strain of choice for arthritis patients. Just like Sour Diesel, the THC concentration in this strain is quite high (about 20%), so, to use this strain, you need to build up a steady resistance to THC concentration.
However, it is highly recommended that you speak with a doctor first to get proper guidance on the dosage to help you. Also, you should try experimenting to find out which is the right strain for you. For more recommendations for cannabis strains, why not visit