Every graft matters in the hair transplant procedure as it is inevitable to implant the same into the recipient balding part of the scalp. The graft is a scientific term for the hair root that is contained in the follicular units. Every follicular unit that is harvested via the strip method contains many grafts and grafts are of many types in which some are single graft, double triple or quarter may also occur. However, a follicular unit FUs that contains grafts is occurring in the group known as their family and provides the needed number of hair follicles to cover the respective balding areas of the scalp. Grafts containing hair follicles are genetically resistant to the DHT-sensitivity and thus never show the hair loss or miniaturization. Hair occurs in a naturally occurring group of 1-4 hairs and the technique/method used in the restoration procedure helps in harvesting the hair roots and placed the same into the recipient balding zone of the scalp or body. Two methods are used to extract the hair follicles/grafts are known as the FUT and the FUE hair transplant. It is a well-known fact that FUT is a widely accepted technique in the hair restoration that offers permanent hair roots or graft due to the involvement of the strip excision from the safe donor part of the scalp. The grafts extracted via the strip method assures us about the permanent result, hence the FUT hair transplant in India is a popular technique to receive the restoration procedure. On the other hand, due to the involvement of the pricey technologies and tools makes the FUE costlier and so FUE hair transplant in India is in lesser demand.
How does Graft are Extract?
Grafts are extracted either by the FUT or the strip method of the surgery or through the FUE hair transplant technique. The grafts when extracted with the FUT confirm us about the best survival rate and in the maximum number of viable grafts that cover the respective balding areas of the scalp. There is limited potential to obtain the feasible number of grafts via the FUE method of extraction.
Significance of Restoration Technique When Grafts are extracted via the FUT method:
- The Permanent Result: One can get permanent results with respect to permanent hair follicles when the employed technique is the FUT hair transplant surgery. The sustainability of the hair roots is confirmed by the location from where they are originated as the rear sides of the scalp are DHT-resistant and neither shows the effect of hair loss or miniaturization. Thus, it is primarily used in the restoration procedure, especially with the strip method or the FUT hair transplant procedure.
- The Hair roots are of better caliber: The FUT technique offers the best quality of grafts in terms of the best caliber, texture, and color or hair roots as the back sides of the scalp have a good quality of hair grafts. The FUT technique ensures the best survival rate as the extraction process follows the graft dissection, which is performed under the higher magnification of the microscopes, i.e., 20x and 40x magnifications of German microscopes.
- The Maximum output with maximum Survival rate: There is a possibility of higher graft survival rate due to higher magnifications and the involvement of graft dissection step. The graft dissection step facilitates the obtaining of hair roots that are needed to be covering the recipient balding part of the scalp or body. The higher magnification helps in separating the grafts from the connective or supportive tissues and confirms the viability of the grafts. These grafts are now kept in saline water until the implantation process is not initiated. In the final stage, these pure and viable grafts are implanted into the recipient zone where it is needed to implant the hair roots. Thus, the magnification not only confirms the viability, but it also assures us about obtaining the maximum number of grafts in a single session. And, all this because of employing the strip method of the surgery to extract the hair roots or grafts in the hair restoration procedure.
In the nutshell, we can say that the procedure of hair transplant requires skills and understanding on the part of the surgeon that decides the needed number of grafts to meet the expected cosmetic demand of the hair transplant surgery.